Can It All Fit?

With our Mock Up Review under our belt, we had to start thinking about our up coming trip to Clemson. On the 24th of this month we are heading to Clemson for the Solar D Gala. The reason our upcoming trip is a real concern of ours is because we are having to move the [...]


In inheriting the Crop Stop, our team had to dig some holes to get to the roots of what was done before so we can take the project to the next level.  This acquainted us with the nature and scale of what we are trying to accomplish by the end of the semester, and beyond [...]

Common Sense

What seems like common sense is not always so common. A hundred years ago, no one would have ever thought that it would be easier to get food from the other side of the country, let alone world, than something grown just down the road. No one would have thought that feeding local school children local food [...]

All Hands On Deck.

While the last week of classes continue and Studio V’s semester review is this Friday, April 25th, the Crop Stop is quickly coming together. Currently we have finished applying the metal exterior siding to the two end wall, half of the metal roofing is also up, and the north wall is being started. As a [...]

The Craft of Looking Good

We are now getting to the phase of the project where the amount of time vs. work done seems to be slowing down. However, this is only how it seems, where in actuality, we are being much more focused on the detail and craftsmanship of the pieces we are applying to the project. When framing [...]

Nickel on a string

Do you find yourself dropping your nickels?  We did, and so we came up with this really ingenious idea.  By drilling a hole in the nickel and tying it to a string so that you can fasten it to your belt.  Silly?  I think not. So after another long day of work, we were able to [...]

Git ‘Er Done

  With about ten days left, before our final review, we've really started to kick things into high gear. We're now beginning to see the full scope of our project and what it's going to take to finish the CropStop. Over the past week, we've been applying extra structural supports, weather proofing materials, and we're now staining [...]

Soffit Up Some Things

Over the weekend Studio V made a lot of strides forward in the project. It started with getting all of the cypress wood, metal dip edge on the roof, and treated 2x4 for the furring strips. The roof was papered on Thursday and furring strips were being applied on Friday. Over the weekend much time [...]

Pollen is Fallin’

One of the great things about being in the design-build studio, this semester, is that we get to spend most of our time outside for the construction phase. However, for the past few weeks, Charleston has been plagued by record amounts of pollen. The worst of which is falling from Pine, Oak, and Sweetgum trees, according to The [...]