Birds Flyin’ High…

Charleston has been gloomy for what seems like a week now. Studio V has been wrestling with the deceptively colossal task of taking a hard look at critiques on our "final" design from Friday in concert with working out the hard-fast details to come up with a final-final design over the weekend and through studio [...]

But Why?

While it is interesting to know 'how' Crop Stop 2.0 is being shaped, it is important for us to remember 'why' it is happening. Eating, buying, and supporting businesses locally is an almost cliched initiative today. The act of doing so has become foreign to many people. It's an understandable logic when you look at [...]

Common Sense

What seems like common sense is not always so common. A hundred years ago, no one would have ever thought that it would be easier to get food from the other side of the country, let alone world, than something grown just down the road. No one would have thought that feeding local school children local food [...]