Summer job!

As the semester is coming to an end and we all head back home for the summer, a few of us got some great news. We have the opportunity to continue working on Crop Stop 2 in Greenville! So we're taking a week or two off as a break and its back to work. The [...]


I just said awesome!         Upon completing final Documentation tomorrow Studio V and our time at the CAC.C will be complete! It has been a long ride but an unforgettable experience. Not only have I learned about practicing architecture, a new construction method that I never thought possible [Sim]ply, or the process [...]

Crop Stop in the News!

There couldn't have been better timing. Right as the semester is winding down and finals are taking place, we are reminded of all of our hard work over this semester, and it couldn't have happened on a more perfect day. Yesterday was Studio V's final presentation of the work that we have done throughout the [...]

Time to say goodbye!

Our semester has come to an end! We are now in Clemson and ready to work for the weekend! We have finished packing all the pieces and transported them to Clemson and Greenville. We are looking forward to working all the weekend in order to have foundation laid out.  We are divided in two groups [...]

Packed and Ready to go!

After the past few months of working on Crop Stop 2, mocking up, drawing construction documents, and designing the exterior, we are finally ready to pack up and move up to Greenville for the actual build. This is a big step for the studio; because we wont be able to get to the actual build [...]

Can It All Fit?

With our Mock Up Review under our belt, we had to start thinking about our up coming trip to Clemson. On the 24th of this month we are heading to Clemson for the Solar D Gala. The reason our upcoming trip is a real concern of ours is because we are having to move the [...]

Learning by Doing

As was mentioned in the previous post, the most feedback we received from our mock up review was about the brackets.  We most definitely learned a tremendous amount by actually building the brackets for the mock-up, rather than looking at them on the computer or in sketches.  We have two different bracket constructions: one will [...]

Lessons Learned

Since we have been back in Charleston, we have had a few days to reflect on our experience with the Solar Decathlon build and keep up with their progress via the live webcam.  One observation that I found very important to the success of Indigo Pine, was how easy it was to collaborate on the [...]

Clemson, here we come!

We are making sure everything in Charleston is good to go before we head to Clemson for five days to help with the Solar Decathlon build.  Before we head out of town, we are correcting the construction documents with the comments from the engineer, as well as creating cut files for the pieces that need [...]

Spring Break

After multiple preliminary red lines from our professors and others around the project, we have finally got our construction documents to level that we need to send them to the engineer. Now that they have been sent off, we will wait on the engineer to approve or deny the proposal and make the necessary changes [...]