Formwork take 2

Hey everyone! I come bearing good news! We have been using our break to create a new set of formwork drawings and from those shop drawings we have created a new set of formwork to drop in on site today. Our steel was also delivered and bent to the radius that we needed for our [...]

Good Foundations.

Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! As you read from Shane's post yesterday we are really pushing forward in our respective teams. Team concrete is pushing hard to get a set of foundation plans for our structural engineer to examine.   We had a really productive day on Friday and were optimistic about the foundations when [...]

Farmfield 2.0

Hello everyone! This week has been super busy for the studio as we are all pushing for our review tomorrow. There are 3 main projects in the works are progressing nicely. The bridge project has been distilled down to one singular design. The Parks Conservancy HQ will continue with three unique designs that will progress [...]

The time to pivot

After our review this past wednesday we had a great talk with the Conservancy about the future of this semester. We all were encouraged to think about what we would like out of the rest of our semester and investigate how we could achieve it. For me personally, I am very excited about the potential [...]

Cultivation center of Charleston CCoC

Hello everyone! If you have already read our previous blog post you will know that we had our review on Friday with the Conservancy. Over the weekend the studio paired up and began site analysis and programming. As we look over the site, we're taking the feedback we received on Friday and starting to look [...]

Final Design meeting today!

Hello Again! We have been powering through this week for today. We are going to present our "final" designs today to the client.  As you know, the studio has been designing and diagramming and preparing for the last few weeks on these designs to really address our clients needs. We do not want to give [...]

Concept Design Meeting today!

Good Morning everyone! Today is a big day for the Studio V crew. We have been pouring over concept designs for a week and have selected sites, determined a program we would like to target, and are going to present today. Keep in mind these are concepts, so we are still studying the site and [...]

W.A.G. and C.B.

The West Ashley Greenway Plan Today the Community Build (C.B.) gang went out the West Ashley Greenway (W.A.G.) to get first hand experience of riding on the bike path. Since we are working with the Charleston Parks Conservancy, we wanted to get out on the path and do some site assessment and find possible locations [...]