Today, as an initiative to give the students of Edith L. Frierson Elementary the exposure to architecture and design, we drove out to Frierson Elementary and helped the 4th and 5th grade kids to build a structure. The students quickly became familiar with the system, and built this amazing small little room. They split up into FOUR teams to build FOUR different sections of the structure. It took about 25 minutes for all the teams to put this sim[PLY] structure together. Interestingly this structure quickly became a means of communication between us and the students, teachers of Edith L. Frierson Elementary. The structure was mounted with our research and precedent study boards to convey some ideas and our research to the students and teachers of Edith L. Frierson Elementary.

The objective of this activity is to teach the students basic architectural concepts and to help them start thinking about how and what their outdoor classroom should be. We were excited to learn that students had already started envisioning their future outdoor classroom. They have started sketching their ideas and these sketches will soon decorate the structure built by them. As we pass the first milestone, we now split up into FOUR teams and work on conceptual designs. Each team will be working on different concepts and making a physical model for our next presentation. Four beFORE… 

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