Trick or Truss!

Happy Halloween!  This past weekend we worked on several different mock ups. Yesterday you got to read some about the doors, and today I will talk about the trusses.  There has been a lot of back and forth with these trusses.  We have talked about how it should be configured, whether there should be only [...]

Hip Beams, Trusses, and Hinges…. Oh My!

Yesterday was a very important milestone for our project.  After our review on Monday, it is now time for us to wrap everything up and start generating construction documents.  Before we can do that however, we had to meet with a structural engineer to double check our design, and to solve some construction method issues [...]

And then 3 become 1….

As mentioned in yesterday's blog post, we have split ourselves up into three separate groups in an attempt to finalize our designs into 1 complete proposal.  The group I have been working with has been looking at constructability issues.  The purpose of the design is to be modular in that it can be easily disassembled, [...]

And Then There Were 3….

As you guys may already know, last Wednesday we had our second meeting with the Beach Company.  We each presented our individual design approaches and got a lot of insightful feedback from that.  From there, we have been broken down into three groups of three.  Each of the groups are looking at a different design [...]

While Ideas are Brewing, So is the Storm

This past week or so we have all be busy developing our own design approaches.  Many design ideas are drastically different from each other, but they all have some similarities.  Because these small structures are going to be moved around, it is important for their design to incorporate the ideas of both how they can [...]

The Search Continues…

This past Monday we hit the ground running doing some background research and precedent studies, trying to better understand the project itself, the culture of the area, and our limitations and opportunities.  As part of this research, a group of us decided to take a trip down 17 N in northern Mount Pleasant to study [...]