Is it Square?

As Jeff mentioned in his prior post, the steel has arrived! We began studio today with a quick run down of how the band saw works as well as how to go about cutting our steel tubes and plates. Once the tutorial was finished, we eagerly began cutting. The steel itself is not a very [...]

Working Out The Details

Lately it has been all about the details, and rightfully so. Studio V has been very busy creating models, studying them, and then remaking them. The outdoor treatment of the window viewing into the gallery space has been very high on the list of priorities. Many versions for a platform that includes signage in order to draw peoples [...]

It’s in the Details

The decision has been made! After meeting with Mark Sloan, the curator and ultimately our client for the project, we have choosen to move forward with the original scheme. The two schemes were modeled and shown one on top of the other (literally two projectors stacked on top of eachother) and each group took turns [...]

The Wall…in progress

Our group has been challenged with further developing LeRone's original design concept "The Wall".  Our team includes LeRone, Linnea, Adam, and of course, myself. Although it may be quite simple, the wall cuts across the entrace into the smaller gallery, where Motoi's paintings and drawings will be, to help circulate people first to see his works [...]

Work Day

Our first work day couldn't come soon enough with everyone eager to get started with their individual design concept. I know I was. From walking around studio, I could see some really good ideas brewing and I'm excited to see how those ideas develop. It didn't take long before people started claiming idea theft. LeRone [...]

It’s All Smiles for Now…

We posed for our first class picture for Studio V for the Spring of 2012 as we kicked off the semester with a visit to the Halsey Institute for Contemporary Arts where we met with Director and Senior Curator Mark Sloan, one of the two clients we will be working with throughout the semester. He first introduced us to the [...]