Mission Completed

This week the students are wrapping up the Spring 2018 semester with final presentations and documentation of all work. Although it was a little bit late of our schedule, we finished up the Butterfly Book Nook with flying colors. We are all so pleased with the final results and so is the community! In addition [...]


As the days go on, we are making steady progress. Our design is continuing to change as we build models and create construction documents. This is a good thing because we are starting to really grasp what will and will not work and we are tailoring the fine details to our clients needs. Since Friday [...]

Materials and Final Details

After meeting with Enough Pie and the First African Evangelical Church on Tuesday we gained some new perspectives and ideas on our shade pavilion design. We have decided that we are going to use an aluminum composite material (ACM) for the roofing of the structure. There were a few concerns from our clients on this [...]

It’s Crunch Time

This week has been all about putting everyones ideas together and forming the one final design that we will present on this coming Monday the 12th. We met on Sunday and discussed several elements that we all agreed on that should be included in the design such as the placement of the structure and and [...]

Moving Forward

Yesterday, January 31st, the class presented our individual designs to our clients Enough Pie and the First African Evangelical Christian Church and also a representative from Remark, the landscape architects working on the project. At the conclusion of our presentations we went through and collectively pointed out the pros and cons of each individual project. [...]

Green Roof Design

The addition of a green roof to a building or structure can be beneficial in many ways. In large buildings in can help with cooling and heating, storm water management, and can even be used for urban agriculture. In smaller buildings green roofs are very aesthetically pleasing and though it may not help with storm [...]