Before The Studio V Work Together…

It seems that everyone in the studio has a super packed schedule this week, so most of us took a short break from the studio works to engage themselves in other courses’ assignments today.

After Monday’s presentation, we are going to work as a whole team of nine people instead of three small groups. We will work like a real design studio, everyone is going to help the project based on each group design and also the feedback from the clients and critics.

Here are some thoughts we might need to be taken into consideration in the future design according to the feedback that my team has received. First, it’s the scale of our stand. 14 feet high of the stand is kind of tall for our stand, since interior dimension is around 8 ft*8 ft according to floor plan. At the same time, professor Ray left us a good point for us to think of: Is our interior space designed for seller or for customer? Also the material of each part or piece needs to be considered specifically. Team two used canvas as their entrance door panel, which still needs to be discussed since the material needs to be durable enough.

Those points mentioned above need us to consider when we move our project forward. I think most of  us have been aware of the strengths of everyone else in this studio from the each works in the past one month. Working like a real studio means the team we would make best use of each team member would be good at. At the same time, each team member needs to have more consideration for the benefits of the whole team, sometime it needs to be put in the first priority instead of just follow the convenience of individual.

Next review is scheduled to be around Oct.12th or 15th. Together, we could make a difference!

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