Picking Teams


Picking Teams Cartoon 2


Following our review, the next step will be to split up into three groups of three and continue to develop design ideas for the client. Professor Pastre needed a night to think hard about the group organization, because there are two main ways that groups could be formed moving forward, and the grouping could drastically change our future design outcomes:

  1. Group students with similar designs together to continue in the same direction. This strategy will allow for the improvement and refinement of concepts that the client already expressed strong interest in.
  2. Group very different projects together to explore a completely new design with strong elements from all 3 previous ideas. This strategy will allow for designs that were strong in concept to blend with strong technical/structural designs, bringing the final design to an overall higher quality.

Yesterday (Thursday) afternoon, the group assignments were announced. Design boards from our Individual Review are shown below, separated by the new groups. Can you see similarities between the projects and guess why Professor Pastre grouped certain students together? The small group teams are … drum roll please! … :


TEAM 1: Ed, Cameron, and Stevie

Individual Design Iterations - EdIndividual Design Iterations - CameronIndividual Design Iterations - Stevie ____________________________________________________________________________________________

TEAM 2: Linette, Rushabh, and Jeremy

Individual Design Iterations - LinetteIndividual Design Iterations - RushabhIndividual Design Iterations - Jeremy


TEAM 3: Yibo, Rachel and Katie

Individual Design Iterations - YiboIndividual Design Iterations - RachelIndividual Design Iterations - Katie

We are excited to begin working with our teams and use collaboration to enhance our design concepts!!



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