A Clemson All In (Shop)

Yesterday we were all busy in shop getting our form work ready for pour on Monday. This basically requires putting a big puzzle piece together of all of our cnc routed forms for our formwork. The key is to get the edges of the formwork as smooth as possible so that the programming can operate in them with ease.

(Chloe measuring the screws into a side piece of the formwork)

This requires a lot of steps and it is critical for us to be thorough. First we had to lay out the pieces (there are 10 concrete piers that have special form works so 20 sides). Then we prepared the pieces to be drilled together and assembled. Finally we are cutting the pieces that will support the formwork so that they hold strong when concrete is poured into them.

We also spent time cleaning up shop, organizing scraps, and sweeping up wood chips. On the radio today was rap classics, some Michael Jackson, a little bit of Poison and some black betty. This was curtesy of Kendall. (trail name Ken Doll)

(Ahmad looking at the shop drawings for our formwork)

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