Our weekend at Clemson

After a six hour ride we finally made it to Clemson! Friday morning we woke got started early and finished the day strong. We managed to unload the kitchen in Greenville at Mill Village Farms, make it back to Clemson to deconstruct the utility shed, and even deliver the majority of pieces of the utility [...]

Setting Records

Studio V had a very successful weekend in Greenville and Clemson, and got a lot of work accomplished. Friday morning we unloaded the half of the crop stop that we have had in Charleston in Greenville in a total of 45 minutes! With that record timing we took off for Clemson to deconstruct the other [...]

Learning by Doing

As was mentioned in the previous post, the most feedback we received from our mock up review was about the brackets.  We most definitely learned a tremendous amount by actually building the brackets for the mock-up, rather than looking at them on the computer or in sketches.  We have two different bracket constructions: one will [...]