When the going gets tough.

The students have just begun the first week of designing in teams.  And, I know, this can be a very challenging task. When I was a student in the Yale Building Project, building team unity is one of the toughest assignments of all.  I always laugh at an article that was in the New Haven [...]

Studio V – Spring 2011

Welcome to the CAC.C Studio V blog.  This blog will be updated daily by the students and professor of Studio V as a way to document our design/build process, and keep all those who may be interested in our progress of the semester’s project informed. STUDIO V focuses on architecture and tectonics, particularly the relationship [...]

…and we begin.

Welcome to the CAC.C Studio V blog for the Spring 2011 semester.  We are going to follow in the footsteps of Professor David Pastre's Fall 2010 Studio V and record our design/build process through this blog. This semester Studio V will focus on one project, a vertical urban garden.  We are working with the Charleston [...]