Reveal Day!

Yesterday was spent working on some final touches for the structure. The remaining steel pieces were all cut, welded and/or painted. We'll be installing all the final elements before our final review/ reveal. To reminisce on our journey today, here are some key moments: Stay tuned for the final pictures as we finish our project.

And the Posts Go Up!

The weekend was a super productive one. The rafters were assembled after being cut to the right sizes, getting beautiful tapered ends and being treated with stain and epoxy. The columns were also cut, prepared and the went up Sunday afternoon: it was an all hands on deck kinda day. One of the biggest lessons [...]


We broke ground yesterday afternoon!!  We had a back hoe on site that scratched the slab area and we now have started digging out our foundation. We will be leveling and compacting the ground as we prepare for our concrete slab   This weekend is going to be a busy one with some of us [...]

On to detailing!!!

Yesterday was huge step forward as we were able to finalize most of our design and ‘diagram’. We are now moving in detailing and how really this GREAT structure will come together. We are working in small teams to resolves the materiality, constructibility and overall aesthetic our pavilion and making great strides. Some of the [...]

All for one . . .

As you may have read from previous blogs, we had our small group review this past Wednesday with the client group including folks from The Parks Conservancy, the City Building Inspector as well as Community members. . We received great comments from the client that will be helpful as we move forward.  As we move [...]

Oh how time flies…

Week IV is halfway over, which can only mean one thing: INDIVIDUAL DESIGN REVIEWS!!!     After our last group presentation, everyone in the group has gathered information from Research & Analysis along with feedback from the Clients. For the past two weeks, our brains have been churning as we push our individual creative solutions and as [...]